CIMT Roles

IFRC Critical Incident Management Team (CIMT)

IFRC CIMTs at the country and regional level may include the following roles:

CIM Team Leader

This role is usually assumed by the Senior Manager, such as the Head of Delegation or Head of Emergency Operations. The Team Leader oversees the entire response operation, ensuring strategic objectives are met and resources are allocated efficiently. They also represent the CIMT in discussions with upper management.


This role is normally assumed by a security professional. They are responsible for providing advice on security and critical incident management to the Team Leader, and may also help coordinate medical evacuation from the field. Additionally, the Security Coordinator assesses risks and develops mitigation strategies to ensure the safety and security of the personnel and assets involved in the incident and operation.

Documentation Manager (Log-Keeper)

This role takes notes and records decisions during team meetings, manages the CIMT logs, and ensures that the team’s documentation is in order and stored appropriately. The Log-Keeper also plays a crucial role in maintaining a clear and accurate historical record of actions and decisions, which is vital for accountability and learning after the incident.


This role is normally assumed by an HR professional. They are responsible for the care of affected personnel and liaison with HR at higher levels. Furthermore, the HR Manager supports the well-being of team members, managing stress and trauma response, and facilitating access to support services as needed.


This role is normally assumed by a Communications professional. They are responsible for internal and external communications and media relations. The Communication Manager ensures the dissemination of accurate and timely information to stakeholders and the public, and also manages media inquiries to protect the organization's reputation.

Operations Manager

This role is normally assumed by the Support or Operations Manager. They are responsible for all support functions not included in the core team (financial, legal, logistical, etc.). The Operations Manager ensures that operational support is efficiently delivered to sustain the team's efforts and also oversees the management of resources and supply chains critical to the operation.

CIM Expert

In some cases, a CIM expert from HQ or the regional office may be added to the team (usually virtually) to assist the Team Leader and ensure that IFRC CIM procedures and guidelines are correctly applied. The CIM Expert provides specialized advice, supports the strategic planning process, and ensures that best practices and lessons learned from previous incidents are integrated into the current response.