IFRC Minimum Security Requirements (MSR)


Duty of Care and the MSR

The MSR sets the minimum acceptable standard for the management of security within the IFRC. The MSR is based on common legal “Duty-of-Care” requirements and basic standards for humanitarian safety and security. IFRC must therefore not operate in locations where it cannot fully implement the MSR. Any deviation from this principle requires approval from the IFRC Secretary General through the IFRC Global Security Unit Head.

Responsibility for Security Lies with Managers

Primary responsibility & accountability for security management and MSR implementations rests within the management line, from Senior Managers up to the Secretary-General. In the MSR, the term “Senior Manager" refers to the most senior staff member at the country, regional, and secretariat level and at the emergency operation management level. 


Click on the links below to learn more about each part of the MSR.