MSR Part 3: Contingency Measures


The IFRC has a Duty-of-Care obligation to develop contingency measures to react to and manage security incidents. While risk assessments and prevention measures help reduce the number of incidents – serious accidents and incidents will occur. Therefore, even in low-risk environments, Senior Managers must ensure they are able to contact and locate staff quickly, and able to manage serious incidents in a timely and adequate manner. 

Personnel Location and Contact Information:

Minimum Requirements: Senior Managers must maintain an up-to-date record of all their personnel, including their names, phone numbers, and addresses (or field locations). This record must be accessible to them 24/7.

Emergency Medical Evacuation Plan and Relocation Plan: 

Minimum Requirements: Senior Managers must ensure that all offices and field operations have an emergency medical evacuation plan and relocation plan within two weeks of opening an IFRC office or start of an operation and that these plans are reviewed every six months at a minimum. These must be written using the IFRC templates and according to the guidelines of the “Stay Safe Security management” manual. They are to be reviewed and approved, on an annual basis, by the RSC and GSU. 

Critical Incident Management:

Minimum Requirements: Senior Managers are responsible for ensuring that all offices and field operations under their responsibility have up-to-date critical incident management plans (CIMP) and pre-identified the core members of their critical incident management team (CIMT). The names and contact info of the team must always remain up to date in the plan since an incident can occur at any time. The CIMP must be written using the IFRC template and the CIMT is expected to follow the notification, activation, logging, and incident management procedures outlined in the CIMP, in the event of a critical incident.

Sebastien Hogan