Security Support Agreements Between IFRC and Partner National Societies (PNS)
The IFRC can take on security responsibility for PNS personnel under certain conditions.
First, an IFRC country office can only provide security support if:
The IFRC Country office is compliant with the IFRC Minimum Security Requirements (MSR).
The IFRC Country office has the capacity to do so.
The agreement is formalized (via e-contract or surge) as described below.
Second, the IFRC only offer 4 options for security support. These options are called L1-L4 as described below. Other options are not possible and cannot be negotiated at the field or country level.
Level 1: Basic Support
Security support is limited to ad hoc measures such as briefings and alerts.
No written agreement is required.
IFRC has no security management responsibility.
Level 2: IFRC Provides Full Support
A written service agreement is signed and approved through the IFRC e-contract system.
IFRC provides full security management services and support.
Partner subordinates its security management to the IFRC’s and follows IFRC security management instructions.
Level 3: Surge Deployments
IFRC surge personnel are deployed.
IFRC provides full security management services and support to surge personnel.
All surge personnel are under IFRC security management during the terms of their deployment.
Deployments fall under the standard operating procedures for emergency surge personnel deployments.
Level 4: Integration Agreement
The integration agreement (IA) is in line with existing IFRC procedures and signed and approved through the IFRC e-contract system.
Partner personnel are integrated as IFRC personnel and have IFRC legal identity in-country.
Partner personnel, therefore, have the same rights and responsibilities as IFRC personnel and are under IFRC management.