
Fire and Safety Equipment

Fire is often a bigger risk than security threats. The most common fires are kitchen fires and electrical fires, often caused by phone chargers and electrical adaptors. Fires are especially common in emergency settings and in countries with unstable electrical supply.

IFRC Requirements:

  • Check the capacity of the local fire service (if there is one) and make special arrangements if required. 

  • Place fire extinguishers in the kitchen area and in the hall near the bedroom. Make sure it is the right type of extinguisher and approved by the authorities. Check extinguishers once a year for pressure. 

  • Install smoke detectors in the kitchen, near the bedrooms, in offices with electrical equipment and near the generator (if applicable). If all the bedrooms are located along a single corridor, the smoke detector should be placed on the ceiling of the corridor.

  • Place a first-aid kit in the common area of the residence for easy access, and make sure everyone knows where it is.

  • Train staff on the fire procedures and on the use of fire safety equipment.

  • Inform staff to unplug electronics when sleeping.

  • Check the smoke detectors batteries regularly.

  • Hold fire drills at regular intervals (e.g., twice a year).

  • Post the emergency numbers on a wall somewhere visible.

  • Clearly mark the fire exits and escape routes, including ropes and ladders, if needed. 

  • If there are bars on the window, check that the bedroom window can be opened easily from the inside.

  • Place “No Smoking” signs. Smoking is strictly forbidden in IFRC premises.