Grenades have been used to target aid workers. It’s rare but it has happened in conflict areas where we work.
They can explode in 1-2 seconds and can be lethal to anyone standing within 10-15 meters. They can cause injuries over 150 meters away.
They can thrown into an office area, public place or under a vehicle.
You won’t have time to run away…take a step away and dive to the ground.
Since most of the blast and shrapnel will be projected up and away from the grenade, you want to be as low to the ground as possible when it detonates.
Shout, “Grenade!” to warn others.
Take one step away and dive quickly to the ground. If you take more steps, you risk it exploding in your back.
The sole of your shoes should be in the direction of the grenade. Keep your feet close together to protect the inside of your legs.
Put your face towards the ground and your hands on your ears, keeping your arms close to your body.
If it doesn’t explode within 30 seconds, crawl to cover.
Vacate the area to a minimum distance of 150 metres.
Never attempt to pick it up or kick it away.
If you are in a vehicle…
If you are driving and think the grenade has landed underneath or beside your vehicle, continue driving (quickly).
If you are stationary (perhaps stuck in traffic or behind another car), lie on the seat and cover your head with your hands. Ideally, it might be better to exit the vehicle and dive away but you probably won’t have time to remove your seatbelt and unlock and open the door before it explodes.
grenades are used to begin an attack.
So stay low, find good cover, and assess the situation.