Will you be able to provide first-aid to your colleague in the field?

Accidents and incidents are fairly common during field missions, therefore you need to be prepared to help yourself and your colleagues.

At a minimum, you must know how to use emergency communication equipment (like radios and satellite phones), be able to give your exact location and be able to give first aid.


  • Get trained in first-aid (see link below)

  • Get trained on communications equipment.

  • Get involved in the mission planning whenever you can.

  • Get briefed before every mission.

Do not rely on others for the above since they may be injured and unable to help you. You need to be ready!

Get Trained

IFRC offers a variety of free online first-aid courses in multiple languages. Check it out!

Did You Know?

The IFRC and our 191 Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies are the world’s leading providers and trainers in first aid. Together, we trained more than 12.4 million people in first aid in 2022—empowering them with the skills to save lives.


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